Saturday, July 25, 2009

Remember when...

I was going through old photos for a slide show we are planning on having for our daughters 21st birthday next year and came across this picture. She looked so young.

Here she is feeding the swan and Dad is holding on to the back of her overalls so that she won't fall in with all the excitement. You know right up to this very day Dad is always watching her back, hoping that his Baby Girl doesn't fall and hurt herself. I can remember so clearly how she got so excited about these ducks and swans until one came up to the pram and pecked at her. As you can see this shot was taken before the pecking incident. Even Tash can remember the pecking and always mentions when we drive past the park, "Do you remember that horrible swan Dad?" Never mind Mum, she was only taking photos. It was such a beautiful day with some really funny and wonderful memories. They grow up so quickly, and then if you are really lucky they take an interest in what you are doing. That is my cue to make a move I can see her heading towards my stash. I can't have her using anything that I might have in mind for ANY project.

Until next time, happy stitching

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